Here's the misguided soul who gave Ben Simmons 3rd-place ROY vote


If you looked at the NBA Rookie of the Year voting last night, you may have noticed one astronomically erroneous third-place vote for Ben Simmons.

Thanks to internet sleuths and the ill-informed writer crawling out of his hole in the wall, we now know who is responsible for this basketball atrocity. 

That would be the New York Post's Marc Berman.

And another tweet from October, just four games into the regular season.

Uhh, what?

It's a pretty simple and clear rule. Simmons, while sitting out with a fractured foot, never played a regular season game last year, making him a rookie this year.

Maybe can help Berman understand.

For what it's worth, Berman abstained from voting in 2011, when Blake Griffin won the award after sitting out the previous year. So why did he choose to vote this time? 

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