Deadeye the Lonesome Cowboy?


From the Wikipedia page for Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, "The story is owned by The Rudolph Company, L.P. and has been sold in numerous forms including a popular song, a television special (done in stop motion animation), and a feature film. Rudolph was created by Robert L. May in 1939 as part of his employment with Montgomery Ward. Character Arts, LLC [1] manages the licensing for the Rudolph Company, L.P. Although the story and song have not passed into public domain,
they have established themselves as folklore (as evidenced by the
development of local variations and parodies such as "Deadeye the
Lonesome Cowboy
," collected in the field by Simon J. Bronner and
included in American Children's Folklore)."

Is Terrell a sad lonely deer? Video below.

I miss that crazy dude's antics.

Wouldn't it be fun to deliver the Cowboys some coal on December 28th?

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