Philly gov't shows off new voting machines with sports-centric candidates


The city of Philadelphia has elections tomorrow, Tuesday Nov. 5, and citizens will vote using a new system for the first time in decades.

The new voting system will combine an electronic touch screen with a physical paper ballot to create a paper trail of every single vote.

Change isn't always easy and figuring out how new things work can be a challenge for some. Thankfully, the folks over at City Hall made a how-to video for the new voting booths and put the candidates in terms that most Philadelphians can understand: sports.

Instead of actual political candidates on their fake ballots in the video, they replaced those with actual beloved Philly sports figures from the past few years.

The 2020 Presidential race will be a tight one with the Nick Foles-Carson Wentz ticket going up against Joel-Embiid-Ben Simmons and Chase Utley-Jimmy Rollins. Malcolm Jenkins-Chris Long 2020 could be tough to beat as well. They'd likely secure the social media voting contingent.

Curious that Foles leads the ticket with Wentz as his running mate. Whoever made this video must listen to sports talk radio.

The race for the United States Senator seat is an even tougher one. Who wouldn't want to see Senator Allen Iverson?!? He'll face stiff competition in Claude Giroux, Dawn Staley, Randall Cunningham, and Dr. J.

Gritty is up for Auditor General which, let's be real, makes about as much sense as anything else in politics these days. And plus, who even knows what an Auditor General is anyway?

These fake races likely weren't double checked by any sports bloggers though. because with all due respect, Reggie White, Roy Halladay, and Wilt Chamberlain are sadly no longer with us and could not be an elected official in any sort of government.

Union fans (soccer team) will probably complain none of their guys mad the fake ballots.

They even had some fun with the ballot questions about changing the spelling of "water" to "wooder" in official writings or something. The additional tax on the wages of players of the Dallas Cowboys is sure to be a hit. Perhaps we can use those extra revenues to fill in some pot holes in town and stamp them with the Cowboys' star logo ala Domino's. Philadelphians would relish driving over those.

Anyway, vote tomorrow. Maybe write in Furkan Korkmaz for City Council.

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