Remember back on Phillies opening day 2019 when the team used a logo extremely similar to the Dallas Cowboys' star on the jumbotron and everybody freaked out?
Well, it seems we have a reprise of that situation today but in hat form.
We bring these questionable caps to you today via a reddit post aptly titled, "On no.... please god no..." which shows images of a new Philadelphia Phillies hat made by New Era that is currently being sold.
Philly fans absolutely hate it. Not only does it cloesly resemble the Dallas star, it's also just kind of ugly.
the front:
The hat is part of the New Era Elements Collection where they take something smaller from the team's actual logo and make it the main thing on a hat. The Cincinnati Reds used a mustache which is awesome. The Baltimore Orioles' smily bird looks pretty cool.
And then there's this very bad Phillies hat.
It's pretty obvious they are highlighting the star from the middle of the 'P' which is blown up on the front of the cap and featured relatively normal size on the back of the fitted cap, but it's still way too similar to the Dallas Cowboys' star for most in Philadelphia's liking.
The back:
It's unclear if these hats will ever get anywhere near the actual baseball team. Let's hope not.
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