1910 Connie Mack Baseball Card Found in Amazing Ohio Attic Treasure Trove Likely Worth Millions


An Ohio man who inherited his grandfather's house that had been passed down to him recently unearthed a box full of baseball cards in the attic dated to 1910 that could be worth millions and is considered one of the greatest baseball card finds ever.

The AP has the full story, which you should read in its entirety. A sampling:

The cards are from an extremely rare series
issued around 1910. Up to now, the few known to exist were in so-so
condition at best, with faded images and worn edges. But the ones from
the attic in the town of Defiance are nearly pristine, untouched for
more than a century. The colors are vibrant, the borders crisp and

"It's like finding the Mona Lisa in the attic," Kissner said.

Sports card experts who authenticated the find say they may never again see something this impressive.

Among the treasure trove are legends like Christy Mathewson, Cy Young, Ty Cobb, and even a Honus Wagner that graded as a mint 10. I don't even think I have any cards from the 1990's that are graded a 10.

Also mentioned in the amazing find are a cards by the winningest (and lossingest) manager in baseball history, Philadelphia legend Connie Mack. Imagine someone today managing the Phillies for 50 seasons!

Anyway, cool story worth checking out.

>>Baseball cards in attic might fetch millions [AP]

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