A Welcomed Update On Commenting On The700Level


Hey, sports fans! Good news. We think. After switching over to our new digs here on The700Level.com and the comment settings forcing you to log in to WordPress in order to leave a comment, we've now flipped that switch off and any Internet person who wants to can comment on posts without registering. I'd still suggest you regular commenters register and include an avatar to keep things looking nice and neat. Plus, then those trolly people can't try and comment as a fake you. And believe me, there are a lot of fake yous out there.

So head on down to the comments section and give it a shot.

Also, if you see any comments that you think are offensive or inappropriate, please feel free to shoot us an email. We try to read them all but occasionally we're not on the Internet/staring at our phone 24-hours a day (maybe once every six months).


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