Andy Reid Is Back to His Old Antics of Fat Jokes


Kansas City BBQ and Andy Reid always seemed like a match made in heaven.
You can only eat cheesesteaks for so many years before your palate
needs something new, fresh, marbled in fat, and even more waistline expanding.

How many different barbecue-specific eating establishments have you dined at in your lifetime?

5? 10? 15? 20? 25? 30 max?

How about in the last four months alone? Via NESN:

Fifty!? Damn. That's a whole lot of ribs, brisket, and BBQ baked beans. Is he
joking? Is he being earnest? I'm going to guess he's half serious but
embellishing a bit to make it seem like he's joking.

This in addition to the fine people at Tommy Bahama who have been keeping Reid decked out in his favorite shirts.

"You know what, over on the Plaza [in Kansas City] there's a Tommy Bahama shop," Reid told The Program's Soren Petro on Monday (via Arrowhead Pride). "There's a lady over there who took care of me, the manager of the
store over there. She heard the story about the Tommy Bahama shirts and
she sent that one over to me without any fanfare or anything. I
appreciated that."

Aldous Snow does admire Sir Tommy Bahama, but what makes Andy such a fan?

"You wear them and you can hide cheeseburgers underneath and no one will ever know."

New secret to life: have your team quit on you, and then move to Kansas City.
For the full breakdown of Andy Reid's NFL Draft fashion choices, visit Arrowhead Pride.

This picture again just for goofs:

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