Any Interest in Trading Your Eagles-Panthers Tickets for 28 Fun-Size Snickers and a Bag of Blow Pops?


While out shopping for additional stuffing mix and a Belgian sampler, I received the following e-mail from Level reader "Jeff" ...


I'm willing to trade my leftover Halloween candy for tickets to the Eagles - Panthers game.

Below that graph, he was nice enough to leave a link to his Craigslist ad, which further details his proposal:

I have 23 Snickers bars (fun size), 5 Snickers Almond bars (fun size), and an unopened bag of Charms Blow Pops (assorted flavors).

The game is Monday night, it's against the Panthers, and it's going to be cold. If you'd rather not sit through another Eagles game, this is a great trade.

If I had to price it out, we're looking at as much $2-4 dollars worth of candy here. "Jeff" seems to come from the Cosmo Kramer school of bargaining.

Any takers?

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