Ben Revere shows off six-pack abs while wearing a Spartan mask on Instagram (what???)


A reader passed the link to this Instagram photo of Phillies center fielder Ben Revere along to us late last night. So clicked on it and then I thought a lot.

"Is it post-worthy? Probably. Okay, so what angle do you take? He's got some pretty jacked abs but they're kind of strange looking. Wait, why is he wearing a mask? The caption says 'Spartans prepare for GLORY!!!' This other photo shows maybe it was some kind of 'award' for Jonathan Papelbon for earning his 300th career save? Let's see what the commenters have to say... One lady says 'It looks like lumpy turkey meat.' Hmm. What does lumpy turkey meat look like? Should I do a Google Image search for it? Probably not a good idea. More comments: '#databs' 'interesting' One person even likes the mask. What else does Ben have in his locker there? Those straw hats look pretty nice. Wonder if they're the Father's Day fan giveaway. I wonder why he didn't post an Instagram of his abs while wearing one of those? I give up. Shouldn't have had that third coffee this afternoon. It's getting late and I need to go to bed. Now, how do I end this post?"

That's pretty much what I thought. Anyone else have any info on the mask?

Here's the slick catch Revere made to help the Phils on to victory on Tuesday night:

[mlbvideo id="33597709" width="400" height="224" /]

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