Brent Celek knows the way to football writers' hearts. Through their stomachs.


We wrote about Brent Celek's mustache-themed eatery called Prime Stache back when it first opened up. He's now expanded from just his location in Old City to a 'stache on wheels.

The Prime Stache lunch truck was down at the NovaCare Complex this afternoon providing the hungry and animalistic media with free lunch. Clearly Celek knows the way to a journalist's heart is through his stomach.

This reminds me of that episode of The League where two of the guys narrate all of Kevin's activities as if he's a gorilla in the wild.

Here's Howard Eskin going in for some grub:

And plenty more shots from every media down there:

Celek will also be doing some dog walking / modelling this evening for a good cause (PAWS / Philadelphia Animal Welfare Society) so perhaps he's trying to use some meat to get a little extra promo to that.

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