Bright Eyes & Feist @ Academy of Music


  Originally uploaded by emc303.

This was a very nice show.  The opening band was called The Magic Numbers.  All three of the acts put on a very good performance and took advantage of the great sound at the Academy of Music.  This was definitely one of the better sounding shows I've seen in a while.  If you are interested in checking out any of these artists, the Kimmel Center Blog has links to all three artists here.

I was particularly impressed with Feist, who noted that the venue was older than her bands' country (Canada).  Her voice was phenomenal and her set was awesome.  I would highly recommend checking her out.  She had some fun banter with the crowd, asking for hecklers from different sections.  One heckler rightly shouted "Canadian beer sucks!"  She seems like the kind of person who is so nice you just want to hang out with them.

Bright Eyes/Conor Oberst performed last, putting on an interesting show.  I enjoyed his set.  There is no arguing the kid has talent and is extremely passionate about his music.  At times when you are watching him, you feel like he isn't really enjoying what he is doing or doesn't really enjoy life.. or something.  I suppose that is what drives some people to create extraordinary things.  To keep on the subject of beers from different countries, I found it odd that Bright Eyes were drinking Tecate (and a lot of it), as well as the standard Yuengling.  I've only ever had Tecate in Mexico.

I particularly enjoyed the first encore which started out as an instrumental by the band minus Conor.  It was a nice build up and later he came out and played some keys while singing.  I can't say I knew what the name was.

There are a few more pictures at flickr that are decent.  I was in the third row, but they all came out pretty blurry.  I was about 6 inches away from catching Conor's pick, that would have been cool I suppose.

Also of note, I felt extremely old at the show.  I guess Bright Eyes has a large high school aged demographic.

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