Donovan McNabb to retire as an Eagle in September


Donovan McNabb has taken the brunt of many jokes since his departure from Philadelphia on that weird Easter Sunday a couple of years ago. Much of that criticism has been warranted while much of it has not. What no Eagles fans should do, however, is attempt to look back on the McNabb era in Philadelphia and act like it wasn't some of the best football we've seen in our lifetimes down at the stadium complex.

So I'm happy to learn that McNabb will do as Brian Dawkins before him and return to Philly to retire as an Eagle this fall.

From CSN:

On ESPN 97.7 radio, via, McNabb said on Monday afternoon, "I will retire as an Eagle and I look forward to that opportunity and that day."

McNabb told Comcast SportsNet's Derrick Gunn that he and the Eagles will hold a ceremony during a September game, but McNabb has not decided which game.

The belief is McNabb may be honored during the game against the Chiefs which would be fitting given Andy Reid's return as well.

We'll likely reflect a whole lot more on Five's career come September, but he'll always be one of my personal favorite Eagles.

>>Donovan McNabb says he'll retire as an Eagle in September [CSN]

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