Don't Like the Crosby DN Cover PhotoShop? Send Us a Better One


cover of the Daily News on Wednesday features Sidney Crosby as "The
Cowardly Penguin.
" It has a PhotoShop image of Crosby as the lion from
the Wizard of Oz that has garnered very mixed responses. Some people
absolutely hate it while others think it's good for a chuckle. You can
debate the merits of a newspaper having some fun or not all you'd like,
but we'd thought we'd take a closer look at the PhotoShop job itself.

Hate the Crosby as the cowardly lion 'shop job? Think you can
do better? Send us a better PhotoShop and we'll throw the best into a
slideshow for all to enjoy. Feel free to use a newspaper cover format or
even just an altered photo by itself. Whatever you're in the mood for.
We threw this 'shop of Rinaldo as the Flying Monkey together in literally about 4
minutes last night. Can't see the lines, can ya Russ?

Not a bad way to kill some time today instead of chewing your hands off in anticipation of game 4... Send your best work to the700level (at)

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