Eagles Game a Complete Joke


I was having some fun trying to come up with a title for this post.  The words absolutely pathetic seemed like they would have worked well.  Horrible, horrendous, hideous, dreadful, awful, ugly.  The Eagles were so bad I would have rather watched a seven hour marathon of Chuck Norris in Walker Texas Ranger.

Some of the brilliant thread titles from the Eagles message board: "Remember when the Eagles were good?", "Start Andy Hall Thread!", "WR core doing fine", "QBs suck BIG TIME!", "thank god there wasn't a blizard tonight", "i know this is terrible BUT..", "the reason for our sucksess", "Thank You Andy Reid and Joe Banner for ruining the season", "NEXT! Where is the waterboy", "Fire Reid", "Will this team win another game this season?", "Were not THIS bad calm down with the were done for years stuff", "Do you all miss McNabb yet?", "Somewhere TO is laughing", "Greg Lewis is not very good", "Cut Moats.. Tomorrow!" and so on and so on..  In perhaps the one I connected the most with, "Anyone else not even pissed?"  I'm already over it, whatever.  As a Dawkins fan noted: Oh, and one good thing from this game... we know that McMahon can throw
a mean TD pass. If he can hit the right jersey next week, we'll be set.

I didn't edit for grammar or spelling in case you were wondering.

Perhaps the most disappointing part of the evening was when ABC didn't show the half time ceremony for the retiring of Reggie White's number 92.  Not the best way to honor Reggie.

How about that hat Paul Allen was wearing?  You would think someone with that much money could hire some sort of person to do his shopping for him.  Anyone else hate the turtleneck sweater look that Anthony "the cuz" Gargano and Vaughn Hebron seem to rock consistently?  Perhaps with the black leather jacket?

Okay people, your turn.  The Eagles were so pathetic that..

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