Flem Files: McNabb


This article is alright, but the part about McNabb is pretty money.  The title of the article reminds me of T.O.'s shirt yesterday.  It said "The (insert Eagle logo) have landed."  Anyone know if these are for sale?

Link: At last, the Eagles have landed - ESPN Page 2

The first time I ever wrote the words "Super" and "Bowl" in association with the Eagles was in the summer of 2001 while standing in the 100-degree shade at a high school track in Phoenix. Donovan McNabb hangs there in the summer, and on this day, he was going to run through one of his notoriously bizarre offseason workouts. The rest of the athletes had been warming up and stretching for 15 minutes preparing for the grueling workout when McNabb pulled up in his black Mercedes. He sprang out of his car, smiled that trademark grin of his, cinched up his shoes and joined in without even a single toe-touch.

Even with a few extra offseason pounds around his waist, McNabb then proceeded to, rather effortlessly I might add, crush every single competitor in every single drill while mercilessly cracking on anyone who stepped into his line of vision, including myself.

McNabb dropped back with a bungee cord attached to his waist and threw a perfect 50-yard bomb. He ran sprints in sand. He walked on a balance beam. And when trainers tossed rubber dog toys (honest) at him to work on his reflexes he snagged every single one yelling, "Look at me, I'm Derek Jeter!" Afterward, he sipped Gatorade in the shade and quietly told me all he wanted to be was the best. And long ago his dad, Sam, had taught him the only way to do that was to outwork everybody.

That's when I wrote it. McNabb. Super. Bowl. It was only a matter of time.

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