Football Food For Fans – Week 3


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Football Food For Fans -  Week 3, originally uploaded by Mark K_NJ

Checking back in with our new foodie and photog extraordinare, Mark K_NJ, for his football food of the week.

Going with homemade chicken cutlet sandwiches with provolone and
broccoli rabe that was sauteed in garlic, red pepper flakes and olive
oil. This is a nod to the fantastic Tony Luke sandwiches in South

Also made some Zinvandel Rigatoni...rigatoni that was finished by
boiling in a bottle of Pepperwood Grove Zinvandel and then tossed with
more broccoli rabe and garlic. Hope it will taste as good cold as it
does warm.

Finally, taking along some homemade meatballs and gravey, along with some extra chicken cutlets in case anyone joins us.

>>Previously: Football Food For Fans - Week 2 - Bruschetta  [The 700 Level]
>>Previously: Football Food For Fans - Week 1 - Green Bay Special [The 700 Level]

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