Football Food For Fans Week 9


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Football Food For Fans ~ Week 9, originally uploaded by Mark K_NJ

After a great meat filled dish last week, Mark comes back with a another football staple for the Redskins game: chili.

From Mark's flickr page:

Everyone loves chili for a football game, especially on a chilly day
like today. I decided to make chili today, but with some twists.

First, it's turkey chili with some fortifications. I diced up some
Andouille sausage, a smokey sausage often used in Creole cooking. I
also added in some roasted corn and some, uh, redskin potatoes. I also
poured in a bottle of dark beer and can of whole, peeled tomatoes with
the juice to form the base. Chili powder, smokey Hungarian paprika,
garlic, and onion helped give it some flavor.

After simmering for over an hour, the chili was done. I topped it with
green onion and cheedar cheese, sided it with some warm biscuits and
poured a Sierra Nevada ale to wash it down.

>>Previously: Football Food For Fans - Week 8 - Rib Sandwich
>>Previously: Football Food For Fans - Week 7 - Rabbit Stew
>>Previously: Football Food For Fans - Week 6 - Pizza and Pierogies
>>Previously: Football Food For Fans - Week 5 - Cheesesteak w/ style
>>Previously: Football Food For Fans - Week 4 -Bagel Sandwiches
>>Previously: Football Food For Fans - Week 3 - Chic Cutlet w/ Broc Rabe
>>Previously: Football Food For Fans - Week 2 - Bruschetta
>>Previously: Football Food For Fans - Week 1 - Green Bay Special

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