Hey Look, The700Level.com Looks a Tiny Bit Different!?!


You may have noticed that we've got some new furniture around here. It's basically the same as the old furniture but the new rug doesn't have a hole in it and the sweet new couch is a bit more comfortable. But yeah, everything pretty much looks the same. A couple of notes about the new backend:

Due to a number of reasons, we've switched from our old CMS. We're now on WordPress, which I'm sure most of you are familiar with.

Being on WordPress will allow us to:


This was an issue we heard about over and over and over from our loyal readers. It sucked not having comments visible on our mobile site. There is no excuse for it. It was just bad. But now they're back. And hopefully that should help the discussion.

Commenter Avatars

Commenting via WordPress will allow you to upload what they call a "gravatar" that you'll see next to your comment. It will also appear in the "most recent comments widget" you'll see on the top right rail of every page. This will help you scan for a certain person's comment a bit quicker. It also looks nice.


It is now much, much easier for us to toss a GIF into a post. Like this. So feel free to send along any fun GIFs you think the rest of the Level readers may enjoy.

Full Site vs. Mobile Site

If you don't like how either our mobile version or full site looks on your phone, you can scroll all the way to the bottom of the page and select the other version. Simply click "View Full Site" or "View Mobile Site."

Scroll Through Posts Chronologically

This was available in our original TypePad site, but not in our previous incarnation. You can now click through all posts on the Level via a "" button on the full site or ">" on the mobile site.

In-Post Photo Galleries

This seems pretty nifty. If you check out our post from the Broad Street Run over the weekend, you can see how we can incorporate a bunch of photos into one post and you can see all the thumbs in one spot and what not. Could have some fun with that if you've got any good photo gallery ideas.

Simplified Workflow, More Guest Posts / Photo Galleries

This new system makes things much easier on us in general which is fantastic. That could mean more time for us to give your work a look. If you've had something on your mind about the Phillies that you've been wanting to get off your chest, shoot us an email, and we can talk about posting it. If you take 10 awesome photos while on your road trip to see the Phils in San Fran and want to show them off, shoot us an email.

And as always, change usually means some growing pains. Please let us know of any issues you see so we can try and fix them as quickly as possible.

Thanks for reading.

**Update: Currently you have to be logged into WordPress to leave a comment. We are working on having that switched off.

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