I'll Take An Order of the Bull Penis Soup


In my Google searching for "bull penis" I came across this report in the Times Online (based out of the UK) by a rowing instructor who was sent to China to help train the Chinese athletes for the games. The coach was working in the Henan province at a "high-performance
rowing centre that was walled, with guards and bars, like a prison."

The story got a bit interesting when he starts to describe the meals.

Every morning, after working out, they would have a soup from a big pot with
10-12 bulls' penises in. They would also eat the bulls' testicles. This was
for the men; the women had something different. They were also obsessed with
antlers - again, for soup.

Strong! Like bull!

Here's a random YouTube video featuring some freshly killed bull peen. I quote, "You have to cut it open and wash it clean. If you don't, then you'll have the taste of urine in your meal."

Apparently, the bull peen has the same effect as Viagra. "As soon as it hits the tongue, the bull penis jump starts the brain and enhances the sexual desire."

>>Bull penis soup on Chinese athlete's menu [Times Online] (From February)

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