Iverson to Pay for Murdered Man's Funeral


While I'm sure most murders in Philadelphia have tragic stories behind them, this one is just mindless:

On June 24, 2003, a group of teens approached Johnson while he was
waiting for a trolley and demanded he give up the Iverson jersey he was
wearing. When he refused, Johnson was shot in the back of the neck by
Robert Ferguson, who is serving a prison sentence on attempted murder

The kid who got shot for his Iverson jersey was on life support for three years.  Correction: Johnson was left a quadriplegic from the shooting: "in a wheelchair and eventually on a ventilator. Last week, the ventilator failed, and Johnson suffered irreparable brain damage." His parents chose to take him off of it on Tuesday.  Allen Iverson has offered to pay for the funeral.

''I don't think one guy can do what needs to be done, but I think one
guy can help,'' Iverson said before Wednesday night's game in Seattle.
''I think it's going to take a collective effort. and there is a lot of
good people trying to help the situation in Philadelphia.''

>>Iverson Offers to Pay for Funeral [NYTimes]


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