McNabb Asks, “R You In?”


It's the Redskins' new marketing slogan for club seats for the upcoming 2010 season, and it's not exactly as catchy as the song by semi-popular rock band Incubus. The 30-second commercial claims Washington has the pieces in place now though. Along with "the architect" general manager Bruce Allen, and "the leader" head coach Mike Shanahan, the "franchise quarterback is in the huddle." [video below]

It's still quite strange to see this sort of thing, but I guess it's nice for their fans to have something to get excited about. Just speaking to a Skins fan over the weekend, you get the sense they believe their team can make some noise this season. I'm not sold, but they'll be if they can keep Donovan upright.

>> Steinberg: Redskins' new marketing video [WaPo]

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