McNabb Joins Iverson in Slinging Vitamin Water


First it was Allen Iverson on billboards with the slickly designed bottles, now Donovan McNabb has gotten in on the Glaceau Vitamin Water kick.  I'd have to guess that Donovan's recent signs of a weak constitution wouldn't help his image as a drinker of vitamin water.  It turns out McNabb is a highly desired player among companies looking for a spokesman.  The Daily News attributes much of that to the way McNabb handled the Terrell Owens situation with such class.

"When you're forced to respond to someone else's - and you can
insert whatever word you want here - it's unfair," said Joe DiSalvo,
general counsel for Glaceau, makers of Vitamin Water. "So to me to use
that one anomaly of Donovan's career as a defining moment would be

"But in my mind, there is no one who could have handled that better,
with such a level of class and professionalism. People, I think,
certainly have more respect for him now, not just for getting through
it but for not playing to the lowest common denominator and taking the

What I found interesting was the fact that McNabb supposedly turns down 90% of the deals he is offered.

>>McNabb catching on as pitchman [Daily News]
>>Iverson lending his name to 'vitaminwater' [Daily News, July06]

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