McNabb Short Armed by Bush


In a bit of a bizarre news story, Jeremy Bloom was at the White House because he was in the Olympics.  Bloom tried to give George W. a signed McNabb jersey, but somehow the jersey ended up in his wife's hands.  I think it's unfortunate neither of the Bush daughters were present because they surely would have liked to be on the receiving end of Bloom's offering.

-Inky: Eagles Bloom gives signed McNabb jersey to Laura Bush:

After speeches by Bush and speedskater Chris Witty, the president was presented with an Olympic torch and was quickly surrounded by athletes who treated him like a celebrity gold medalist. Bush signed a bobblehead doll, posters, jackets and posed for photos - but somehow seemed not to notice when skier-turned-football-player Jeremy Bloom offered the Philadelphia Eagles jersey signed by McNabb.

So Bloom, who was drafted in the fifth round last month by the Eagles, did the next best thing: He gave the jersey to first lady Laura Bush.

"I was here a week before the draft at the Republican gala, and the president and I were talking about where I was going to go in the draft," Bloom said. "He's a big football fan, so I told him I'd bring him a signed jersey."

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