Mets Fail: Oh Like YOU'VE Never Had Your Hand Stuck in a Stadium Toilet


As if their errors on the field weren't enough to spin the news cycle in New York, now even the Mets fans are getting in on it. Last Wednesday, during a game against the Braves, a woman was in the bathroom when she somehow dropped her gold tooth into the toilet. Coulda happened to anyone. So, not one to just be flushing away some mouth bling, she went in there and tried to retrieve it with her hand. She's got a gold tooth, ya know she's hardcore... And, as you might have surmised from the title, she became hopelessly stuck.

It's unclear how long she was trapped screaming in the john, but stadium security guards and emergency medical personnel eventually showed up.

But they could not pry her loose on their own.

They called for back-up -- dialing up a worker from Cardoza Plumbing, the company that installed all 646 ultra-low-flow toilets at Citi Field.

He rushed to the scene from his company's Jamaica headquarters 7.2 miles away, the sources said.

The anxious victim, meanwhile, could only wait as the toilet continued to flush over her arm.

At one point, she became more entertaining than the game -- which the Mets lost 8-7 -- as fans gathered outside the bathroom near Section 338 to see the off-field action.

So this obviously begs the question... What possession would you deem worthy of a little stadium-toilet-spelunking?

Hat tip to Rhea Hughes of WIP for the find.

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