Mets Travel to New Heights This Offseason


While Jimmy Rollins may be watching the throne in Philadelphia during the offseason, one New York Mets player is taking things to new heights over the winter months. Knuckleballer R.A. Dickey isn't content with the usual athlete offseason hobbies like fishing trips in Brazil, sneaker collecting, or taking in a Kanye West and Jay Z concert. Instead, Dickey will set off on an adventure to scale Mount Kilimanjaro.

The Mets aren't real thrilled about the prospect of one of their players climbing the 19,000-foot mountain in Tanzania, but Dickey doesn't care. He's a big boy after all.

"Yeah. I'm a grown man, and I can do what I want to do," Dickey said in an interview with New York Magazine. "But at the same time, let's say I slip, fall, break my leg, and can't pitch for two months. Legally, they have the authority to void my contract.

Dickey is using the adventure to raise money for a cause called Red Light District Outreach Mumbai, which according to ESPN combats human trafficking in India.

We always support athletes trying to raise money for a charity, but be warned, we hear the thin air at high altitudes can cause choking.

>>R.A. Dickey to climb Mount Kilimanjaro [ESPN]

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