Not Yours, Mine


You can now be friends with the700level.  Thanks to my good pal Ronnie Funtz (you may want to mute your speakers if you click on him) I am now on Myspace.  Feel free to do whatever it is those myspace people do to be my friend.  I don't discriminate unless you are like the Dallas Cowboys or something.  Right now I only have one friend, but that's because Ronnie just showed me how to make a profile, etc.  There isn't a whole lot on my page, but I'll be sure to geek it up once I get the hang of it.

The700Level's myspace page.

I'm sorry if that wasn't very interesting, to make up for it here are some myspace related links:
-Q: "My daughter is on and I'm concerned." A: You are right to be concerned. In recent weeks, the
press has reported on a number of investigations into physical and
sexual assaults of teenagers involving community sites. As a parent,
you need to understand how teenagers use the Internet and how they
interact online. [Seatle Times]
-Parents Shouldn't block their kids Myspace access [StatesmanJournal]
-Myspace does wonders for bands [Badger Herald]
-Myspace does wonders for random sports blogs based out of Philadelphia [Ronnie Funtz]

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