People Just Keep Getting Smarter


This article doesn't have anything to do with Philly Sports, but I found it interesting.  It's about the trend of Human's IQs rising over the past century or so.  If you don't read the article at least read the excerpt I quoted below which is pretty entertaining.  Video games can make you smarter.  Unlike checking your email every 5 minutes, which makes you stoopid.

Maybe the reasons I am such a bright individual stem from my mastery at a young age of Castlevania, Zelda, and of course FIFA 98.

Link: Wired 13.05: Dome Improvement.

The best example of brain-boosting media may be videogames. Mastering visual puzzles is the whole point of the exercise - whether it's the spatial geometry of Tetris, the engineering riddles of Myst, or the urban mapping of Grand Theft Auto.

The ultimate test of the "cognitively demanding leisure" hypothesis may come in the next few years, as the generation raised on hypertext and massively complex game worlds starts taking adult IQ tests. This is a generation of kids who, in many cases, learned to puzzle through the visual patterns of graphic interfaces before they learned to read. Their fundamental intellectual powers weren't shaped only by coping with words on a page. They acquired an intuitive understanding of shapes and environments, all of them laced with patterns that can be detected if you think hard enough. Their parents may have enhanced their fluid intelligence by playing Tetris or learning the visual grammar of TV advertising. But that's child's play compared with Pok�mon.

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