Per this graphic, beer prices at Wells Fargo Center are kind of reasonable


And that's a perfectly horrifying headline.

Before this goes any further, we should clarify right up front that we're using "reasonable" in the positive "this is how things are" sense and not the normative "everything is outrageous and should be cheaper" sense, which we're sympathetic to.

Anyway, this graph below was created by (whose little mascot dude I love) and found after wading through a lot of other stuff on Darren Rovell's twitter feed. For a larger look, click on it and blow it up.

The key to what you're looking at here is not necessarily the price, but rather the price per ounce, and in that sense, you'll notice Wells Fargo Center is, at least according to the grahic, actually a shockingly cost-effective place to get drunk when compared to many of its  NHL counterparts.

The obvious caveat: it's unclear exactly how and why the prices on the pucks came to represent the entire building. As at least one of you is already typing in the comments before you finish reading, "THAT'S NOT TRUE I'VE PAID $9 FOR A 12 OZ. BEER AT STAND X."

Indeed, you are correct, sir. And I've paid $13 bucks for some kind of large (possibly 24 oz.) Molson up on the second level. I'm pretty sure a similarly sized Miller Lite is $11 at that same spot.

So I can't say I know where these prices or these 20 oz. beers are coming from. Anyone who frequents and/or works at the building that could point us in this magically frothy direction?

Either way, I advise you to continue aggressive tailgate activities in the back part of the parking lot that sits under 95. You know, the hot spot.

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