Philadelphia Daily News and Inquirer Sports Desks to Work Together


The beginning of the end of Philadelphia being a two newspaper town seems to be here. We're told guild members were informed via email about management's plans to align the Daily News' and Inquirer's sports staffs along with the staff to work together to better compete with outsiders as opposed to each other.

It's like you've been fighting against your only brother that you absolutely hated your entire life only to -- as your father lay on his death bed -- be ordered to join forces and work together to save your family name.

Dogs and cats, living together.

The details on how this will work exactly have yet to be determined, we're told, but we hear things could get messy. The email apparently said that there were no current plans to eliminate staff, but it's hard not to worry about redundancy.

The two papers' sports desks working together is also likely the first step in other departments joining forces at some point down the road. Just how closely the two will end up merging into one will be fascinating to watch unfold.

Philadelphia Media Network's chief executive announced in November that the two papers and are going to be relocating to a new building in center city and sharing the same floor.

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