Philly's Moment to.. Shine


With the Flyers packing their bags, the Phillies mired in mediocrity (at best), the Sixers

spending their time on the links or perhaps the Taj, and the

Eagles coming off a 6-10 season from hell.. Philly fans don't have a lot to get excited


Philadelphians have been known to take pride in their passionate and often volatile

behavior.  They haven't won anything in decades.  They've earned a bad reputation

and have become known as the fans who threw snowballs at Santa Claus.  (If you read

Glen MacNow's Great

Philadelphia Fan Book he clears all the falsehoods behind the story)

Enter the perfect storm.  The unpersonable poster boy villain of

the steroid era, on the brink of passing the most legendary, storied figure in all of

sports, entering the city with those fans.  As of end of play Tuesday, Barry

Bonds is sitting on  712 home runs, 2 back from The

Babe.  I expect nothing but the best from Philadelphia.

I've heard ideas thrown around.  Some bad: telling fans to stop at

CVS on the way to the game and pick up some feminine hygiene products.  Some

good: When Barry Bonds comes up to bat, every fan in attendence at

Citizen's Bank Park stand up and head for the concessions stands.  This has the

potential to be tremendous if Barry were to hit 715 as the entire park in Philly is walking

up the aisles.  However Philly decides to be creative with the Barry Bonds hating, we can

rest assured of one thing.

We will boo.

Feel free to leave suggestions in the comments here or send emails to the700level [at]  There are still a few days before Barry arrives and ideas could still be orchestrated.

-Deadspin on Bonds [Deadspin]
-Barry Bonds is Coming to Town [theilladelph]
-Philly Fans Prepare to Welcome Bonds [Philly Burbs]

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