Power of the Penguin: MLB Store Pulls Halladay Bobblehead After ZWRing


When Major League Baseball creates the most awful bobblehead ever made of the most awesome pitcher ever named Roy, you best believe a Penguin gonna recognize.

The jovial folks over at Zoo with Roy found this atrocity of a bobble head of one Harry Leroy Halladay III in the MLB.com online store. Yes, that's supposed to be Roy. And yes, he's throwing left-handed. And yes, it looks like he's about to toss it to second base.

Once the ZWR post caught on, the people at the MLB online shop saw the penguin signal and pulled the bobbleroy from the store. So cuttered, indeed.

What item shall the Penguin target next?

>>The worst bobblehead in history concerns Roy Halladay [ZWR]

>>MLB.com pulls failed attempt at Roy Halladay bobblehead [CBS]

UPDATE: MLB PR responds.

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