Samuel Dalembert on Hockey: ‘I'm Just Watching the Little Ball, Man'


Given that he plays for team Canada now, it's about time Sixers center Samuel Dalembert learned a thing or two about hockey.  Sammy D attended his first NHL game yesterday and witnessed a good one.  The Flyers beat Ottawa 6-1.

Now, I'm not going to rip into Sammy too hard because this whole promo was done for charity.  He was born in Haiti and grew up in Montreal so English may not be his strength, but if you're doing a promotion with the Flyers, you can't go out and call a puck a ball.  That's just horrible.

Check out this video from Comcast.

Sixers fans have given Sammy a lot crap over the past few seasons, much of it deserved, but he has stepped up this season and is performing at a high level.Add on this fun public persona and you've got yourself a nice player for the Sixers.

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