Seguro y Seguro Con Carlos Ruiz


Phillies catch to the aces, Carlos Ruiz, is a charismatic presence in the Phillies clubhouse. As Gary Smith's SI cover piece showed us, Chooch is often playing the role of his fellow teammates before games in the Phillies clubhouse. Well in this commercial for Seguros Constitucion, Ruiz plays the role of a lifetime: himself.*

Our friend and native of somewhere next to Mexico, Meechtonito, translates the commercial for those who can't speak the beautiful native tongue of Carlicho.

I'm a bit confused by the baseball-related-insurance-commercial racket these days, do I want to be Safe and Secure With New York Life? Or is Seguros Constitución gonna protect me like Carlos Ruiz protecting home plate? And is there really a strange white guy dressed like a raccoon eating cotton candy in my attic?

*Sorry, watched too much Keith Russell last night on the Eagles' pregame.

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