Sixers Unveil New Court (Which Can't Possibly Be Regulation)


The Sixers, having unveiled a brand new court at the Wachovia Center earlier today, invited a number of bloggers and media types to test it out this afternoon by playing some ball. After playing three full court games followed by a much more relaxing game of half court, I can share with you some amazing insights.

First, the court is made of wood which is sometimes described as hard. There is red, white, and blue paint on the wood. There is a foul line and a three point line as well as a half court line. There are also little screw holes to keep the wood in place. The court is long... like, really long. Not longer than any other court in the league but damn, running up and down a regulation size court is tiring -- especially for someone who hasn't played a full court game of basketball in close to six years. I can't walk at the moment.

It's a basketball court. But a very nice, new basketball court.

For serious though, the court is a classic throwback and will look great paired with the new uniforms they'll be wearing in 2009 to go with it. If you're going to play a pick up game anywhere, I highly suggest the Wachovia Center. And as for the new uniforms that leaked? We're told they are in fact one of the road uniforms the Sixers will be playing in next season. Something about there being a miscommunication between the NBA people photographing the rookies over the weekend.

For all of you wondering how my game was? I'd say poor to moderately poor. I'm certainly more of a Mo Cheeks than an Allen Iverson -- a better setup man than a scorer. Also, Mo Cheeks is like 50-years old and my Wii Fit told me my actual fitness is somewhere in that range.

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