Stewart Bradley is Quite Prepared


Big things are expected out of second year linebacker Stewart Bradley. Jim Johnson has said he isn't really worried about the linebacker position and that Bradley could be a starter. Being the diligent Husker that he is, Stewart has come into camp ready. From his "blog:"

Coming into this year as compared to last year is
night and day. You're swimming when you first come in as a rookie. You
don't really know what's going on and now, again compared to then, I am
1,000 percent more prepared to go into these OTA's
, into training camp
and into the season. You now know what to expect out of yourself, what
the league is like and what playing in games are going to be like so
the comfort level is higher.

Which leads you to believe he must have been reaaaaally unprepared last year. DeSean Jackson, there's hope for you yet, kid.

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