Terrell Owens is the Chief Mayhem Officer


What in the world is a Chief Mayhem Officer, you ask? Well, it's something you turn into to get paid.

T.O. has been picked as the front man for Venom Energy drink, a recently launched product from the Dr Pepper Snapple Group. His official designation is "Chief Mayhem Officer," which shows he still has a bad-boy persona — but not so bad that it's costing him national endorsements.

"Whether you like him or not, he is the poster child for disrupting things," said Randy Gier, chief marketing officer of Dr Pepper Snapple Group. "We thought it was a good fit. If other people don't, that's their problem."

So there you have it. Drink Venom Energy Drink so you can [mess] some shit up.

>>It's good to be TO: new book, endorsement [Herald Tribune]

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