The 300 Level


I don't know what they're putting in the Dollar Dogs, but it sounds like the stands are getting increasingly rowdy when the Phillies have a promotion aimed at younger fans, like College Night and Dollar Dog Night. There were a number of reported incidents again during yesterday's game against the D-Back's, including fights, thrown beers and dogs, and more ejections. Some fans are even claiming that the 300 level at CBP is rapidly becoming the equivalent of the 700 level at the Vet, a place to be avoided if you're only looking for a nice calm night out at the park.

What's been your experience? Do you think the organization needs to do more to curb the over-enthusiasm, such as beefing up security or doing away with these promotions, or are things fine as is? Ejections are much higher on these nights, but they're also a lot of fun and provide an energetic environment to experience a game. Attendance is also better, particularly with the higher numbers of walk-ups on weekdays. The times I've been up there, it hasn't seemed all that bad, but maybe I just haven't seen the worst of it.

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Farm Animal Night at CBP, originally uploaded by stksave27.   

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