The Battle for the Bottom


A match up for the ages will take place tonight between the Philadelphia 76ers and the Memphis Grizzlies.  The two teams have combined for 19 wins so far this season.  They may make the battle for last place in the NBA a two team race if they keep losing at such rapid clips.  I wonder if Greg Oden is watching?  Surely, a player would rather live in Philadelphia over Memphis, right?  If he's concerned with winning, he might want to take note of the fact that Billy King is still in charge here. I haven't seen Ohio State's Greg Oden play all that much, but the hype is in full effect.  Both the Daily News and the Inquirer feature stories today about the 18 year old phenom.  It turns out Oden doesn't necessarily love all the attention he's getting -- he'd prefer a normal life -- but he's going to have to get used to it.

>>Sixers Oden their breath [Daily News]
>>Ohio State center could lift the Sixers [Inquirer]

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