The Hamels-Rizzo Conspiracy Theory: Actual Reader Emails


Sometimes we watch too much sports and it clouds our judgment when something huge happens and we miss the truth that's sitting right in front of us in the form of a conspiracy theory. Thankfully, we have people who email us to set the record straight.

We all know now that Hamels intentionally plunked Harper on purpose,
but do you think Nationals GM had something to do with it? Think about
it this past offseason Rizzo was trying to prevent Phillies' fans from
going to Nationals Park because so many of them almost made it like CBP
South. I feel as though he tried to try and flame a little rivalry
before this thing even started. So here's how it goes:

Rizzo: Cole I will pay you (amount of money outside of Philly) to peg Harper and to say you did it on purpose.

Cole (knowing he is already known as a douche): Yeah I'll do it.

reason it makes so much sense is because the Nationals have struggled
to gain in their market and have struggled to get a consistent crowd to
their games. By pegging Harper and having Hamels brag about it to the
media, it draws national media attention. The whole Jayson Werth being
"called out" by fans is just icing on the cake. Call me a conspiracy
theorist but the way this whole thing went down seems kind of fishy.


Tom P

Fishy like a fox.

What do you think? How much do you think Rizzo had to pay Hamels to plunk Harper? What disappoints me, however, is that Rizzo stopped at Hamels. Why not pay Harper as well to charge the mound? They have to have some folding chairs in the clubhouse somewhere perfect for cracking over someone's head. Rizzo needs to plan these things better.

Please, readers, continue to email us. Sometimes we need a good laugh.

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