This is Most Certainly Not the Michael Vick Project


As it turns out, Donovan McNabb is not the only Eagle who has crazy ass fans making bizarre videos about him. In my Googles to see if the Michael Vick Project on BET was worth watching, I came across this video wisely mislabeled to be the full episode of the first show which aired last night. So click away I did.

Rather than being anything that has to do with the BET show, it's a comedy bit by a guy known as "young thriller" who has over 9,000 followers on Twitter -- so he has a bit of a following. He also happens to have a glass eye.

It's your classic edit job, using footage from Vick's first interview upon being released from jail on CBS's 60 Minutes with James Brown mixed in with random bits from one-eyed comedian.

For those sitting in a cubicle, there's certainly language not fit for the work place. They talk about prison sex, herpes, and Chris Brown's lawyers -- some pretty awful things. But in the end, Mr. Young Thriller realizes Vick needs a "gospel ass whooping."

We'd say this video is a step up from the "Ode to McNabb" on the funny scale but less original in its cinematography.

Anybody know when the Jeff Foxworthy-Kevin Kolb video will hit YouTube?

100% NSFW language, kids.

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