What is Missing From This Photo?


Here is a shot of the West's practice at the Mandalay Bay Jam Session.  The West squad lacked the goofiness of a Shaq/LeBron/Dwight dance off or Agent Zero doing his thing.  For the most part, it was a practice, nothing more.

But if you take a closer look at this photo of the Western team, you'll notice one thing missing.  Surely you can see Yao Ming and maybe even Steve Nash and Carlos Boozer.  Those three players were all injured and didn't play in the All Star game.  But they did show up at practice.  Yes, we're talking about All Star practice.

I have no idea why Allen Iverson wasn't there.  Sure, he was hurt and wasn't playing in the game on Sunday, but Yao, Nash, and Boozer still came to practice.  Thanks for giving back to the fans, Allen.

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