Wing Bowl 14: The Virgin Wing Bowl

Share has a whole section dedicated to Wing Bowl 14, Angelo Cataldi and Al Morganti's twisted brain child.  There are videos of both successful and failed eating stunts as well as a few of wingettes wearing very little.  This year's competition has been dubbed the Virgin Wing Bowl, with no former contestants being allowed entry, first timers only.  This year's bash will take place on February 3 at the Wachovia Center and you will need a ticket for the unlike past years.  The event sold out months ago but if you were on the ball you should have your tickets by now.

I haven't been listening to much of 610 lately, and even less of the morning show, but I happened to catch some of last week's show where some guy named Flip fails to eat 3 pounds of raw fillet mignon.  Watch the video here.  These people are nuts.  One of the more impressive videos I recommend you check out is of a guy named Joey who drinks a gallon of milk in 41 seconds.  Amazing.  Some of the eating challenges which were failed include: 75 wontons, a 2.5 pound cow tongue, 9 pounds of baked beans.  Some of the eating stunts which got people into the 14th Wing Bowl include: a pound of cookie dough, 2 pounds of gefilte fish.

This year seems to be lacking the showmanship of previous years.  It's hard to argue with El Wingador going up against the Black Widow.  One of the recent aditions to the morning show which I happen to enjoy is Hugh Douglas.  His love of fava beans and a nice chianti really adds to the atmosphere.

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