Winter X Games Drunk


Over at Deadspin and Noobsports, Bode Miller and his recent comments about skiing while drunk is the hot topic.  Noobsports is conducting a very scientific experiment into the effects of skiing while intoxicated.  While Noobsports is planning a very scientific look into the new phenomenon, I just happened to have gone skiing this past weekend with a man very familiar with skiing, and, of course, drinking.  The BirdMan, who on the slopes also goes by AirBird, sat down with us and answered a few of our questions.  But first, look at the amplitude on Bird's jump here from Saturday:
Enrico: Birdman, What are your thoughts on skiing and boozing at
the same time?  Does Bode Miller make you want to drink
more?  Does having a few beers in you help you get that killer air?

BirdMan: I think if you can ski and drink it's cool as long as no one gets
hurt. If you are plastered and ski out of control you could really badly hurt someone.
If Bode Miller can ski and drink and not hurt anyone then more power to
him.  It doesn't really make me want to go out and get drunk before
hitting up the mountain.  It definitely helps you have a good time especially
in the Poconos; if I was in Colorado I would most likely not drink
before I go to the mountain.  Once again its all about control.  I don't get
mad air so I can't comment on that.  Thanks for your time. - DirtyBirdMan

There you have it folks, just be in control.  If you see diamond shapes and you are in the Rockies, then stick to H20, but if you are in Pennsylvania, you may want to throw back a couple Yuengling before heading down those blue squares.

For the record, no BirdMen were injured in this post.  Thanks to Bird for his time and vast knowledge of our subject.  Stellar photog work provided by Scott.

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