Young Males Become ‘More Dude-like' While Watching Sports


Now when your special lady friend gets angry at you for screaming too loud and cursing at your TV when Ilya Bryzgalov lets in a big playoff goal you can tell her it's not your fault.

It's chemistry.

According to some new study by the Laboratory of Social Neuroscience at the University of Valencia in Spain, watching big sports games really gets dudes' hormones flowing.

From MSNBC's summary:

According to a study published Wednesday, dudes actually become even more dude-like while watching their beloved teams compete.

Blame steroids. The natural kinds, that is. During games, two hormones –
testosterone and cortisol – increase within the bodies of sports
boosters, especially “dedicated, young, male fans,” writes a study team
headed by Leander van der Meij, a PhD at the University of Valencia in
Spain and VU University Amsterdam in the Netherlands.

Of course the MSNBC article had to use Philadelphia fans and, you guessed it, throwing snowballs at Santa to demonstrate that sports fans often get angry and do dumb things. Like fight mechanical bulls.

>>Why dudes go nuts while watching the big game [MSNBC]

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