Hilarious Valentine's Day cards celebrate Philly's most passionate fans


Valentine's Day is a great time to tell the people you love how you feel: put your heart on your sleeve, don't hold back, and let your truth loose.

Luckily for Philly sports fans, this concept is not new. They express their purest feelings without fail.

So, to honor some of the most passionate sports fans this city has to offer, we drew up a few Valentine's Day cards to help you, and those you love (and sometimes yell at the top of your lungs about), celebrate the holiday.

First, we remember the great Jigar Desai, who ran into a dang subway pole because he loves the Eagles:

Next, we honor Hakim Laws, the greatest embodiment of a Philadelphian you will ever see:

Next up, Penn Dean of Admissions Eric Furda, who can... um... express his passion with the best of the city's fans:

Then we have Rob Dunphy, who loves Philly sports so much he tattooed them on his body:

And finally, we celebrate Larry Poff, who has loved Philadelphia's sports teams for ages:

We love you, Philly. Be our Valentine?

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