Hurts' inspiring message after losing the Super Bowl


The Eagles QB stays the golden standard in his post game press conferences, handling tough questions on a sour topic.

GLENDALE, Ariz. — In the wake of a crushing loss in his first Super Bowl, Jalen Hurts showed as much poise as ever.

The Eagles’ 24-year-old quarterback sat behind a microphone for 9 minutes, answering questions about that loss, his fumble, his emotions and he kept coming back to his same mantra.

“You either win or you learn,” Hurts said. “That’s how I feel. You either win or you learn. Win, lose, I always reflect on the things I could have done better, anything you could have done better to try and take that next step. That’ll be the same process I always have going on.”

Hurts was asked specifically what he learned from this game; he noted that he hadn’t watched the film yet.

When he does re-watch the Super Bowl, he’ll see himself being the best player on the field. Hurts in this game completed 27 of 38 passes for 304 yards and a touchdown and ran for 70 yards and 3 scores in the 38-35 loss to the Chiefs.

His one big mistake was an unforced fumble in the second quarter that was scooped up by Chiefs linebacker Nick Bolton and returned 36 yards for a touchdown.

Sure, he can learn from that.

But what was impressive in the moment was the poise he showed after that play. It was the same poise we’ve seen all season from the Eagles’ starting quarterback. And it was the same poise we saw from him behind a microphone well after the game ended.

“It is a tough feeling to come up short,” Hurts said. “It’s a very tough feeling, but I know the direction is to rise and that will be the M.O. going forward, that will be the mentality going forward. That is the mentality. Obviously, credit to them for the game they played and very competitive football game and very competitive football team and Coach (Andy) Reid. We’ll sit back, reflect on it and learn from it.”

Hurts’ press conference ended with a question from teen podcaster Giovanni Hamilton, who is a huge Eagles fan and has been an inspiration in his battle with a rare condition called Schwartz-Jampel syndrome.

Hamilton asked Hurts for one lesson he wants to take into next season.

“You want to cherish these moments with the people that you’ve come so far with, your family, your loved ones, your teammates, your peers, everyone that you do it with and do it for,” Hurts answered. “I’m so proud of this team. I would say I’m so proud of this team for everything that we’ve been able to overcome. Obviously, we had a big-time goal that we wanted to accomplish and we came up short.

“I think the beautiful part about it is everyone experiences different pains, everyone experiences different agonies of life, but you decide if you want to learn from it. You decide if you want that to be a teachable moment. I know I do.”

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