Reports: Tim Tebow works out, also eats Chinese food


In case you hadn't had your fill of Tim Tebow news this offseason, the Philadelphia Eagles quarterback has been making Internet waves for... working out and eating Chinese food. 

If you haven't seen it by now, there was a video posted on Twitter of Tebow doing rather intense leg lifts on a goofy looking swing of sorts:

Not bad! Looks pretty strong, for sure.

He must be keeping a strict diet to look that jacked, right? Not exactly.

Just today TMZ posted a video of Tebow eating at Beverley Hills hot spot Mr. Chow, the same restaurant they caught Joel Embiid at a week or so back.

[Joel Embiid can still walk, enjoys Chinese food]

The story? A Florida fan bought him dinner. I'm sure that's the first time that's ever happened.

We'll have Eagles football to talk about this weekend. Thank the Tebow.

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