Shady McCoy calls Kiko Alonso a ‘BUM' on his Instagram


Alternative title options for this post include: "Shady McCoy says what many Eagles fans have been thinking for years."

LeSean may be linked to former Eagles Kiko Alonso -- who Birds fans may remember from that one nice interception he had that one time -- but that doesn't mean the Bills running back thinks very highly of the Dolphins linebacker.

It all started on Sunday when Alonso posted a seemingly harmless photo to his Instagram account featuring Shady getting upended pretty good.

As Eagles fans know, McCoy is not one to let things go very easily, so he presumably hopped onto his phone and left a comment on Alonso's post -- two of them to be exact.

"@elbravo_47 boy ya dad wish u was as good as me... n ya new contract garbage lol my 2011 money ...," read the first from @shadymccoy.

"@elbravo_47 take me off ya page u BUM," read the second.

If you enjoy puzzles, trying to decipher the meaning behind athletes' social media postings is quite fun. This appears to be Shady insulting Kiko's skills but also the quality of and money involved in his most recent contract as compared to the more money involved in Shady's contract.

There are now over 1,000 comments on said post and many of them suggest deleting your account, which to be fair, is always a wise move on the Internet because the Internet is full of people telling you to delete your account.

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