Health company managed by Snider family proposes medical marijuana facility


A health company managed by the heirs of Flyers founder Ed Snider is looking to build a medical marijuana growing facility in Philadelphia.

The Inquirer reports that Snider Health gave a presentation to the Parkwood Civic Association for a proposed 125,000-square-foot factory on Wednesday. Representatives from the company explained Pennsylvania's medical-marijuana law and the possible community benefits of the facility.

Members voted in favor of the proposal.

Snider Health, founded by Lindy, Jay, and Jamie Snider, partnered with an out-of-state medical marijuana company called the Clinic for the potential indoor farm. The company now has to apply for one of two state issued grower-processor licenses allocated to southeastern Pennsylvania.

Snider Health's application will then be subjected to a 90-day review after the company pays two project fees totaling $210,000.

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