Bring the NHL Winter Classic to Philly


Not sure if many of you watched the NHL's Winter Classic on New Year's Day, but even just checking out the photos is a site to behold.  Hockey being played outside amidst a downpour of fluffy snow just seems so old school and awesome.

Will Bunch over at Attytood thinks Philly should give it a go.  We will not argue.  If nothing else, it's a fun idea.

I know Mayor-elect Nutter needs to deal with the murder problem and all, but somewhere way down on his long list, I'd like to see him bring the next NHL Winter Classic to Philly. Why not?



Are there any hockey fans in the United States more devoted than our
Flyers fans? -- of course not. We have the perfect state-of-the-art
facility in the Linc. Unlike Buffalo, we can't virtually guarantee snow
(based on this winter, we could almost guarantee no snow). But we do
have something to offer on New Year's Day that no other city can match,
and that would be a tie-in with the Mummer's festivities, making Philadelphia a cold weather New Year's destination to rival Pasadena.

>>Adding to Nutter's long to-do list [Attytood]

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